Sunday, November 29, 2009

This is too good...

"Liars Lie."
The Rev. Al Sharpton

Climategate continues to unfold and as it does are revealed many truths about the methods and motives of those worried about what used to be called "Global Warming," (Obese Americans destroying the planet by driving around in SUV's) but which is now termed "Climate Change," (the immediate and unquestioned necessity for Global Government and income redistribution).

It turns out that the original raw data on which the famous "Hammer" chart have been based no longer exists. That's right, it is not possible for the basic assumptions upon which this 25 year anti-American pogrom are based ever to be checked via the famous "peer review. Not only do we know that "scientists" have conspired to manipulate data and public perception of data but that the basic theory, as presented at the now infamous U.N. conference are completely unverifiable.

This is a lot to take in but, knowing how hateful and arrogant the green left really is, not at all surprising, at least to me.

So, what will become of this? I would guess the following:

1-The Greens will Stonewall and deny deny deny... and will have just as much luck as Nixon did with this strategy.
2-This is the beginning of the end for the U.N., now exposed as not only corrupt but thoroughly incompetent and a creature of the least competent on the planet.
3-Europe and Europeans fall to stygian depths in American opinion. Indeed, if it is as I have long thought that part of this was Europe's need to hobble and then leash the U.S., it may lead to a permanent end to the alliance.
4-Under a resurgent American right, the U.S. may be even more unilateral than ever before.

In short, this is why you should not lie...

This is either the most incompetent act in the history of science or the most arrogant.