Sunday, June 28, 2009


The pontification after MJ's death is interesting juxtaposed with the "debates" over Universal health care in the U.S. and "Global Warming."

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MJ was, I hear, a creative genius. He was also at the very least, someone who paid hush money to the parents of children who had "slept" at his home. The refusal by most of those commenting on his passing to mention both in their observations is a superb example lying by omission.

The same can be observed in the debate of Universal Healthcare in the U.S., in which those opposing simply refuse to acknowledge the obvious easily verified fact that the current system in the U.S, is cruel, stupid and spiraling towards melt down.

This is also true of the much redefined "Global Warming" crisis. It is obvious that the planet is heating up. What is also obvious is that a very small part of this is due to human caused carbon emissions. The failure to address this 25 year lie and then to bury the lie under a mound of propaganda is signal for the increasingly twisted and compromised state of "discussion" the world finds itself burdened with.

Openning Observations

Another Sunday, being spent mostly on Second Life (SL). This "world" fascinates me, the pretensions, long surpressed self-expression. The lies the unspoken but obvious truths are at once hilarious and heart rending.

I am at a Canadian run goth club listening to to an Italian DJ who's voice and demeanor don't match. Dancing avatars and a Duce like speaker impressed on furious American English lyrics.

But that is what is so much fun about SL, despite the pretense and the carefully constructed avatars, truth is obvious and undeniable. These avatars represent those who's heart and head is only briefly united when on SL. The embarrassed silences to my quips about Mussolini are not because they disagree but because they do not know. The facade belies the truth, that most here are as clueless in this electronic world as they are in RL but without the camouflage provided by physical interaction they are exposed as never before.

And, so, SL telescopes truth.... IT is life to the 10th power without the ability to hide.